“I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.” - Roger Clemens
Having the skills alone to do the work you do is not enough to achieve freelance success...
I’ve seen it time after time.
In full time employment, you turn up, you do your job (with great skill of course) and you get paid. You do that on repeat. Then over time you start thinking, ‘hold on, surely it’s just as easy to take that skill, do it for myself and jump on the fast-track to freelance super success?’
Newsflash. It’s not.
Why do you think that could be? Well it’s simple.
Freelancing requires a very different mindset 🧠
One where your self-interest has never been more important. You’re in your own lane now, not someone else’s.
Have you ever wondered why you want to be a freelancer? Have you thought you now need to be:
Selling yourself
Taking your own risks
Making your own decisions
Holding yourself to account
Tackling uncertainty head on
This was a list that excited me from day one and with each passing day I’ve got stronger at each.
Did you notice how none of those points mention a skillset? That’s because for me your skillset is nothing without the right mindset. Even the most talented will fall down and give up without it. The mindset is the foundations on which the skillset is built. It’s the glue that holds it all together.
It’s such a mistake to believe that a skillset alone will give you the dream life you’re after. One of freedom, flexibility and calling the shots.
Instead of seeing yourself as a skillset, you should be seeing yourself as a business.
🫵 YOU ARE a freelance business owner.
And as a freelancer business owner you need a freelance business owner mindset to go with it.
Wondering how to do it and what you need to get started? Don’t worry I’ve got you 👊
Seeing yourself as the head of your own company unlocks the biggest benefits of being a freelancer - freedom and flexibility. Why? Because you call the shots. You can choose the work or projects you want to do, when you want to do it and depending on what you do, potentially work from anywhere around the world. The more you see yourself as a business owner the more serious and professional it’s going to feel. Take this seriously and people will take you seriously.
Get yourself a good hat rack because a freelance business owner wears many hats when it comes to roles within their own company.
This is one thing I know is true. Working on the business is just as important as doing the work that brings the money in. It’s important to do the work but taking the time to work on the business is essential. I spend more time on business development than I do on the work I do. This is all part of running a successful business. Marketing yourself and your business, developing leads and opportunities and having efficient systems and processes are core business development tasks that will take your freelance business to the next level.
How comfortable do you feel talking about money? I get it. Money is a difficult subject to talk about. But trust me, you’re going to need to get comfortable talking about it. That means getting clear on what your prices are and sharpening your negotiation skills when it comes to clients or projects. This statement can be exciting or terrifying depending on how you look at it but it rings true either way. You’re in charge of your finances now, so much more so than when you’re an employee.
Know this. In 3.5 years of freelancing I have never received the same amount of money each month. There’s periods of feast and famine, boom and bust. You will have to get used to that.
Finally, here’s a few more actionable tips to carry with you on your freelance journey.
Tip #1: Have a vision
Dare to dream and have a vision of how you want your lifestyle to look.
While at first it might seem hard to look beyond surviving the next month or the next few months, having a vision that you believe in helps build confidence and opportunities to grow.
Tip #2: Be patient
No business is an overnight success. Building something takes time.
There are going to be some bumps in the road, some failures, some successes but ultimately being patient and committed to your freelance business is really important. It’s always going to be a work in progress!
Tip #3: One customer is not enough
It doesn’t make sense for a business to have just one customer. It’s the same for a freelancer.
Don’t just work for one client and be reliant on that one source of income. Several small contracts and deals are dramatically better and safer than one big one.
Believing this myth won’t get you anywhere. Do you really want to give up before you’ve even truly begun?
Do yourself a favour and start saying this to yourself in the mirror ‘I run my own business’
Starting with this mindset is the foundation for what’s to come.
So… what are you waiting for?
If you recently took the leap into freelancing and want to know how grow a freelance business you love, check out the 'Be Freelance AF' course.
Inside there's
- Six modules
- 39 video lessons
- Exercises, templates and downloads
- A bible of useful links and resources
- A Slack community of budding freelance entrepreneurs
And much more.
Email: contact@befreelanceaf.com
Site: www.befreelanceaf.com